
Below is a brief summary of current projects and research efforts:

Small satellites and their applications

Wireless Energy from Beamed Signals (WEBS)
Orbital Calibration 2 (OrCa2)
The Tethering and Ranging Mission of the Georgia Institute of Technology (TARGIT)
Orbital Calibration (OrCa) mission
The Ranging And Nanosatellite Guidance Experiment (RANGE)

Space Domain Awareness

Georgia Tech Space Object Research Telescope (GT-SORT)
Georgia Tech Space Object Research Telescope (GT-SORT)

Space Object Streak Detection
Resident Space Object (RSO) tracking and prediction
Space Traffic Management

Remote sensing

Separating GIA and ice mass change signals in Antarctica using satellite data
  Long-term surface height variations from satellite radar and laser altimetry
Assimilation of satellite remote sensing data for regional hydrology modeling

Navigation and control

Precise attitude and positioning for spaceborne free space optical communications systems
  Control and optimization of formations and constellations
Precise orbit determination of nanosatellites
Novel spacecraft mission design